I love this space where we can share our love for God and His Word as well as our struggles. Where we can learn together what He is saying and encourage each other in that. I hope I am able to impart hope to you by my stories and life. So, welcome! Grab your favorite nosh and drink and let’s talk. xo
A Story and A Thought
It’s not about not having grief or heartache, it’s just a part of life here on Earth, it’s about the hope - the promise
God, in His timing and with all the love He has for us, will bring streams in our desert and restore what was lost!
Faith Like That!
God does not ever need anything outside of Himself to meet me and change my situation and my life.
Snow Globe
I am overwhelmed by all the ways that have shown God’s expression of His goodness and faithfulness!
Fan or Follower
When I saw that question, I had to ask myself am I a fan or follower of Jesus?
How Are You Doing?
No matter what 2022 was like for us or what 2023 will hold for us, we can know ~ fully and wholly ~ that God is with us. And though I may not be completely confident in my tight walking skills, my hope is not in my ability!
My Tapestry
It’s the beautiful details that God weaves into my story that has me in awe of Him this Christmas.
Why Worry?
“ He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his armsand carries them close to his heart…” Isaiah 40:11a
Faltering or Flourishing
If we believe God is good and all He does is from the love He has for us, then that means we should live our lives in a manner that shows that
What The Heck Are You Doing?
BUT think about how both God and Jesus went all-in on Jesus coming to earth, loving us, dying for our sin and being separated from each other.
Because You Said So
Simon was busy just living his life when Jesus came and invited Simon to be a part of what He was doing
The Hard Part
There are some battles we need our community to fight with us and some battles we need to fight on our own.
Does It Match Up?
It doesn’t matter if I see myself as worthy, holy or valuable, God says I am.
Whatever our response is when it’s not our turn shows our character and if we are willing to be faithful in obscurity.
What Is Our Rest Connected To? (part 7)
We will all have wilderness and storm experiences when we are being obedient and will need to rely on the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.
What Is Our Rest Connected To? (part 6)
Observing Sabbath is a command from God, it is not a suggestion. We don’t get extra credit for not resting.