The Dynamic Duo part 1
Let’s play a word association game! I say a word and say what comes to mind. Ready?
Compassion doesn’t seem to fit in that list. But it is the first Super Hero of our Dynamic Duo (we’ll look at the second one next week). If you are anything like me, you may be in a rut and feel so limited on what we can do and who we can see. It can leave us feeling blah and what’s the point about life. And it looks like online everything and zoom are here to stay. So, where does compassion fit in?
Compassion is sympathy. The Latin, “compati” means to suffer together. Compassion means someone else’s heartbreak becomes your heartbreak. Another’s suffering becomes your suffering.
Compassion for others is a live-giving emotion. It can fill us with purpose and give a sense of belonging. We have the opportunity to step into another person’s pain and be there for them. We know we are a part of something bigger than ourselves.
I love how Justin is right there for my baby, as she is having her baby, Jaydon. xo
One of the many things that I love about Jesus is His compassion. There are so many people Jesus made time for and met in their pain. Here are just a few, check out their stories.
*Blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10)
*The 10 lepers (Luke 17)
*Mary Magdalene (Luke 8)
In my life Jesus’ love and compassion for me has helped me through some very difficult and dark days. But, I don’t think compassion is always warm and fuzzy. Sometimes it comes in the form of a good kick in the pants. There have been plenty of times that I get stuck in an emotion or situation, and I needed someone to help me find my way out. When we love someone enough to not them let stay in an unhealthy place.
During this time of Covid and isolation, it feels like we have collapsed inward. Added to those two, we have the weight of: violence and retribution; demonizing others; power struggles; lament and despair that looks daunting and unmanageable.
We can become indifferent to other’s because we allow the disappointment and loss of this time send us into a rut of self-pity and not caring. “Why clean my house - no one is coming over”; “Why get dressed - I can’t go anywhere”. When we become so belly-button focused, where all we see is ourselves, we lose sight of our purpose and what we can do.
Jesus said that the world will know who we are by our love. Instead of being swallowed by our despair, let’s build boundaries around what we know we need to do. Two things can happen: We will not allow distractions to keep us away from loving how we should and we can cultivate the good stuff we want to see in the world.
My heart melts when I see my kids being there for each other! All the feels. xoxo
“By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” ~John 13:35
Compassion is super power #1 because it allows us to get out of own head, lay down our own self-importance or sadness and be there for others in a way that is real and tangible. Don’t underestimate the power of a text, card, call, coffee date…you get it. It doesn’t have to be a big outreach. Being there, being present for someone is the greatest gift you can give someone.
My challenge to all of us is to find the nearest phone booth, put on your best super hero outfit and go change someone’s world today.
Make sure you come back next week: same bat channel, same bat time to find our super power #2.
All My Love ~
Jodi xoxo
With everything you have that pulls for your attention and time, thank you so much for giving me space in your life to share mine. It means a lot!!
Jaydon says sharing is caring, so share with your friends. ;)
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