For Unto Us!

How did you do during the Holidays with all that needed to happen: the gift buying, the gift wrapping, the baking, the cooking, kiddos home from school, the flu, the decorations, the visting, the traveling, the sugar coma’s ... ?? How did you do taking time to pause with Jesus and reflect on the impact of HIs coming to us?

We needed to pivot because of sick kiddos, but it was a special time with family and I’m grateful for the quiet moments I snatched with my tea and Christmas tree sparkling in the early morning.

One of the most familiar Scriptures we hear at Christmas is:

“She will give birth to a son,
and you are to give him the name Jesus,
because he will save his people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:21

Here are some thoughts I had as I sat with this Scripture:

  • There was a plan from the very beginning of all that we know. The plan was that Jesus would come and die for me. For you. To cover our sins, so we can stand before a Holy God without shame (who we are) or guilt (what we’ve done).
    **We were always on God’s mind and in His heart as He set things into motion for Jesus’ birth.
    ”The Counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations.” Psalm 33:11

  • There was a solitude and aloneness that Mary and Joseph walked in to fulfill God’s purpose and plan in and through them. Can you imagine the copius amounts of trust they needed
    as they said “Yes” to God’s plan? A few are:
    * with traveling to Bethlehem and not having any place for them to stay ..
    * to running from death to Egypt ..
    * to seeing Jesus grow, and His wisdom and the “Differentness” about Him was getting more evident for everyone to see… (remember the whole temple thing?)
    * to seeing Him start His ministry and gaining followers and haters ..
    * to beatings and crucifixion.

    **Each of us will walk through a time of aloneness and solitude. God will set us apart from the familiar to work in us. He will ask us to walk through situations that may be similar to someone else’s, but we will carry it differently and only He will know the depth of our emotions and questions.
    ”And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness - secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name.” Isaiah 45:3

  • Do we, like Eve, think God is holding out on us? Which opens the door to lack of trust. Did He really say … that He loves you unconditionally, even in our sin? … Does He really have a plan for me?
    If He’s not good then it’s so easy to believe the lies that invade our thoughts and hearts. The lies that erode our trust in Him and His plan and purpose for us. The lies that allow us to open the door to sin and excuse our behavior and thoughts. You know the ones we always fall back to: The judgment. The criticalness. The gossip. The comparing. The jealousy. The anger. The blaming other people. The …..
    **Our belief that God IS GOOD and everything He has done, does now, and will do is for our good, is the foundation that our walk with Him is built on. If that is shaken or broken our trust will falter, our worship will fade, our being like Jesus will become a shadow of who we are called to become.
    I tend to question God’s goodness when it feels like He forgot about me or it feels like there is no place for me. That’s when I need to remind myself that He’s not holding anything back that is for my good. What is He protecting me from? The choices I make cannot be choices based on what Eve thought, they need to be rooted in HIs love and goodness.
    ”Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!” Psalm 34:8

  • If Jesus came to save us from our sins, are we allowing Him to forgive our sins and make room for Him to dwell more fully in our lives? Are we being open and honest about our sins?

    **A Holy God deserves a holy place to live. What sin do I need to deal with in my life? Maybe we hold back a little because He may not be Who we thought He was. We’ve all been disappointed and disillusioned by people, what if God turns out to be like them? Don’t make Him so familiar that we lose the majesty and reverence for Who He is. And…isn’t it so gracious and loving of Him to walk with me as I continually deal with the crap in my life? He doesn’t walk away and come back when I’m all righteous and stuff. It’s a progression and He’s totally here for it!
    ”But as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, since it is written, ‘You shall be holy, for I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:15&16

    I pray that the goodness of God will surround you and His grace will carry you through each season you walk through this year!

Have the most amazing day!
All My Love ~
xo Jodi

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Job’s Wife


Untaming Proverbs 31 part 2