“God showed how much He loved us by sending His one
and only Son into the world so that
we might have eternal life through Him. “
1 John 4:9 (NLT)
I think both Mary and Joseph could have been easily disregarded as nothing special. But once again we see God looking past what society says is cool or popular and goes right for the heart. Joseph was an honorable man, who loved God and even in his disappointment and frustration, looked to do what was best for Mary. “Because Joseph her husband was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, had in mind to divorce her quietly.” Matthew 1:19.
Wouldn’t you be tad disillusioned if the girl you were engaged to ran away for 3 months and came back pregnant. And oh, by the way, “the Holy Spirit” did it. And she says she’s carrying the Savior of the world, you know the One we’ve been waiting and hoping for. Yeah, that’s not hard to believe. “but after he considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream…” Matthew 1:20a
“Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home to be your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to name him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:20b-21
You don’t hear much about Joseph in the life of Jesus, just little snippets here and there. Even though it appears that “Yussel” (Yiddish for Joseph and what my gram called my brother :) ) has been sidelined and overlooked, he too plays a pivotal role in history.
I think Joseph was faithful to the call God had put on his life.
This man is so faithful to his family and all that God asks him to do. I am so thankful we are doing this crazy, wonderful life together.
To all the men who are faithful to be all you need to be…Thank You! xo
I think that’s why God chose him to be Jesus’ earth-dad. He didn’t look for accolades, post all over his Instagram or brag about it to the guys at Temple. There may have been moments of uncertainty and insecurity with raising Jesus, but I think Joseph knew he was and he knew who his God was. He chose to be faithful over looking successful or like a big Kahuna to others.
What must it have felt like to raise Jesus? We know “Yussel” took care of Jesus and protected Him, Joseph took them into Egypt to escape Herod. We know he was freaked out when they couldn’t find Jesus on the way home from the Passover, they looked for 3 days. We know he trained Jesus to be a carpenter.
Another thing we know is that after the whole losing Jesus thing, Luke 2:51 tells us: “Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them.” Joseph quietly and confidently raised, taught and loved Jesus.
Joseph and Mary were willing to obey and be purposeful (determined resolve, full of meaning) with their lives. There may have been some unbelief mixed in with their faith, “can we really do this?” But through it all, they stood firm-footed facing any storm or doubt knowing the power of God in their lives. They knew Who was with them!
Yes, they both may have been ordinary, but they trusted, obeyed and was faithful to accomplish what God asked of them.
You’re welcome! :) I love everything about this picture: how she is leaning on grampa, how she is following and imitating him. Kids are a great visual reminder of how we should be with our Abba!
Success can be a moving target and at times we have felt unsuccessful, sidelined and overlooked. I thought success was something I needed to validate who I was. I have come to appreciate the simplicity of being faithful. To know at the end of the day that I have served and loved who and what was before me. Yes, it can be hard, especially when we’re doing the mundane and seeing others seemingly moving ahead. Don’t get discouraged, God sees us and loves using the ordinary to do extraordinary things.
We can be faithful and purposeful in life, with all that God is asking us to step out to do. We can know He will be with us every step of the way. We have a weapon that nothing can stand against. (check out the video below)
So, stand dear friend and know that we are not alone!
All My Love ~
Jodi xoxo
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