I think for most of my life wherever we lived, we had city water. Maybe one place was a well, but I really don’t remember. I always knew that there would be water, I never gave much thought about it. Dean grew up with an old stone well on a farm where they had to watch out for animals that could die in there (eww) and things falling in etc. Wells must be well cared for on farms, in deserts and homes because of their life-giving supply.
Wells in the Bible are important. If you owned a well, you owned the property around it. It showed prosperity, you didn’t have to go to someone else’s well. The well was named after you. If you wanted to stop an advancing army, you stopped up or destroyed the wells along the route they would take. They also spoke of access and supply.
Just think about walking for days and finally coming upon a well. The sweet, refreshing first sip that quenched your thirst; the way renewed strength and hope would surge through your body; you knew you would not die out here. Someone else not only survived, but supplied what you would need.
In Numbers 21 Israel is traveling through the desert and in verse 16 it says: “From there the Israelites traveled to Beer, which is the well where the LORD said to Moses, “Assemble the people, and I will give them water.” Israel recognized that God provided water before, and knew He would do it again. Wells became a place of remembering what God had done in the past.
Wells can get stopped up with debris and clay, and it takes cleaning and digging deeper to reclaim and refresh the well.
Kiddos love playing in water. This was from a few years ago, look at those awesome chubby hands!
I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’m living in a sci-fi, apocalyptic movie. The world is forever changed and it’s so weird and a little scary.
We need to be connected to Someone stronger and deeper than all the things we are facing in our world, personally and globally.
Where are we getting our life-giving supply? How maintained is our well? Are dead things floating around in there, that need to be removed? Are we clogged up with fear, anxiety, anger? … anything that is not from God? Do we keep having to go to someone else to feel refreshed or are we connected to the Spring of Living Water? Do we remember and rehearse the things God has done for us in the past and renew our hope and strength for the future?
“But those who drink the water I give will never thirst again. It becomes a fresh bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” John 4:14
God does not need an external well or spring, He is the Living Water. Everything He needs is in Himself. If we are connected to Him, we will have everything we need to face each day and each challenge.
God has entrusted each one of us with this time in history and our own individual journeys. If He has called me to walk out living with MS and Lupus, using the gifts He gave and being obedient to do the next right thing, I can trust Him to supply all I need. AND so can you!
I have always loved going to the water. Calm lakes bring peace and rolling ocean waves remind me of God’s strength. Both are beautiful. Both speak of who God is. Both are external and I need to get in my car and drive to them. BUT! God’s Living Water is in me, I just need to cry out to Him in my need; reflect on His goodness and faithfulness; tap into His strength when I am weak. Everything I need is in Him and He is in me!
If you are connected to His Living Water, take some time to check on your well and make sure things are flowing! If you are not connected, may I suggest, that you give God a chance to show you how much you are loved and seen. All you have to do is ask.
I hope you have an amazing day!
All My Love~
Jodi xoxo