What Is Our Rest Connected to? (part 1)

·      our rest is connected to our trust.

I had a hard time learning to trust God especially as a Father because the only thing trustworthy about my biological dad was that he wasn’t trustworthy. I learned that I couldn’t count on him, so in my relationship with God, trust was a hard—won battle. It took a long time, a lot of crying, worshipping and active participation with God, so he could heal the broken and unhealthy places in my heart and mind.

I learned to trust God in the hardest moments of my life. I learned about His character and His love. I learned that He would be with me when He was consistently with me. I learned when I failed to trust Him, He was still faithful to me and loved me. So the next time I was able to trust Him quicker.
Without trusting that God is who He says He is, we will strive and not rest.
It’s exhausting! I know, because I’ve been there.

Remember our quote from last week?
”To find rest we have to believe that we are seen, safe and our identity in Jesus far outweighs who we were before. That knowledge will impact our beliefs and activity. Our position ~ belonging to Jesus ~ changes in a moment, our perspective and behavior change with a process.” ~ Ben Stuart “Rest and War”

So, let me ask, do we believe:
that He really sees US;
that He loves US;
that WE are safe;
that OUR validation and worth come from Him and not what we do or how we do it
that He is faithful to US??

If we don’t believe those things, we will have a hard time trusting Him because we don’t really believe who He is.

When we don’t trust Him, we take things in our own hands and usually make a mess of it by doing it our way. Think Ishmael and Isaac… Abraham and Sarah got impatient waiting for the promise of a son, they focused more on what they saw and how they felt, over the faithfulness of God.

When we don’t trust God, we will strive to work harder, we will strive to be better, and we will strive to be liked more.

The definition of STRIVE is: to try very hard to do something or to make something happen, especially for a long time or against difficulties. Have you ever strived to get something done on your own instead of waiting and asking for help. I have! We push and pull and strain to accomplish it on our own. We come out of exhausted and frustrated.

There is a difference between striving in our own strength versus walking in God’s strength. Walking in God’s strength is when we can STRIDE! Striding is a purposeful walk with decisive steps towards a goal. We walk knowing it’s not all up to us because we have the God that created e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. working and walking right next to us.

It’s a different walk. It’s a different posture. It’s a different energy.

 “But blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7&8

Here in Texas, we are really understanding the heat and drought part and if you have walked with God for any amount of time, you know there are seasons that feel like that in our lives. But, oh! What a promise! No matter what trials or difficulties we face – when our hope and confidence in is Him ALONE – we will be refreshed and bear fruit. AND…
What an opportunity to show those around us the power and faithfulness of our God.

When we trust God and know His character we will be able to find rest. Because we know His faithfulness. We will find our validation and worth in Him and we will not have to strive to prove ourselves. We will be purposeful in all we do. We will have a confidence that is not dependent on what we do, but on ALL God has done for us and in us!

Some questions we can ask ourselves:
1. Would you say you are striving or striding in your walk with God? And Why? What may need to change?
2. Do you see your worth more from what you do or who you are? Is an area you need to re-look at through God’s Word and what He says?

I hope you have a great day and step out in trusting God in an area you are currently striving in. You’ve got this!
All My Love ~
Jodi xoxo

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What Is Our Rest Connected To? (part 2)

