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I am enjoying this moment sitting on my deck listening to birds call each other. I love that sound. But as I sit and enjoy the birds and the fresh air, in the background I hear cars whizzing by, planes taking off and it reminds me of the busyness that is always right there behind our quiet.

There are a lot of things trying to drown out our quiet. It’s so easy to get caught up in the noise, busyness and distractions. Goodness! Just trying to figure out 2020 is enough to drive us crazy.

This past week Psalm 131:1-3 has been kicking my butt, but also has been my prayer.

1. “God, I’m not trying to rule the roost, I don’t want to be king of the mountain. I haven’t meddled where I have no business or fantasized grandiose plans.” (The Message)

I have a confession and dilemma with this verse. I have wanted to be important and validated through a position. I can dream big dreams. I can become disheartened when it doesn’t happen or it happens for someone else. I have struggled with when is ambition wrong? Hustling for a dream is good and you need to put in the work, training and time.

I think it’s more about the motivation for the dream. Is this dream about me and what I want or is it about God and what He wants? Giving God our dreams, ambitions and plans may be where we get stuck. Can we let go, really give it up may be a ruler to measure if it’s ours or Gods.

2. “Instead I have calmed and quieted myself, like a weaned child who no longer cries for it’s mother’s milk. Yes, like a weaned child is my soul within me.” (NLT)

I remember when Nicole was 4 months old and we found a lump and I had to stop nursing because they were needing to remove it. It was a horrible, heart-wrenching few days. This was the first time I had to stop nursing and wean one of my babies. She flailed and cried not understanding why she couldn’t nurse…I was right there, holding her.

She became angry and frustrated, then really angry. She refused and had no interest in the bottle. When she finally took it and settled down, she became content. She didn’t understand that I was trying to help her, she didn’t like the change. She just wanted what she wanted. When a child is being weaned they feel like their world is ending and don’t understand that the really yummy food is coming. Milk is good, but there is so much more. #hellocake

We can strive and fight until we settle our questions, doubts and fears with knowing that God really loves us and has our best in mind. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

There is a freedom that comes when we stop striving and learn to rest and trust.

3. “Wait, Israel, for God. Wait with hope. Hope now; hope always!” (The Message)

Baker’s Dictionary defines Hope as: To trust in, wait for, look for, or desire something or someone; or to expect something beneficial in the future.

When we are waiting for the light to turn green we have hope, because it’s always turned green before. That’s it’s job, to turn green and yellow and red. Waiting at the red light is no fun, especially if you’re in a hurry or your Dean. :) We’ve never said: “ I hope it turns green today.”

Why do we think “Maybe” when it comes to God? Going back to the bottle not being what Nicole wanted, there have many times I thought God had lost His mind: “This can’t be what You were thinking.” BUT even in all those moments of flailing and crying (on my part), questions and doubts God has never - ever let me down!

When we let go of what we want and quiet our soul, we can remember to hope. We can stop the striving and flailing and hope. We can enjoy the waiting, with hope, and know that it will eventually turn green. (except if your Dean and get skipped because he’s a angry little elf) ;)

YOU are loved!! I pray that you hope in the faithfulness of who God is, He is bigger!

All My Love ~
Jodi xoxo


Our Ride or Die

