Waiting and Sabbath
It’s a Wednesday as I sit to write this to you. Leila is at my feet, I think she is still adjusting to Z not being here. My cup of tea is almost gone. I am tired. Yes, because of the weekend and having a sleepover with the kiddos. Soooo fun, but I need a nap. It’s also more than that. I feel tired inside.
You know that tired that comes from disappointment? Tired from waiting, for what feels like forever, for something? Tired of the routine and mundaneness of life?
I turned on worship music this morning and just soaked it in. I sat with my journal and waited…writing my heart, my prayers. I needed God to fill me. I turned in my Bible to this:
“I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guard post. There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how He will answer my complaint. The Lord said to me, ‘Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that the runner can carry the correct message to others. The vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.’” Habakkuk 2:1-3 (NLT) (Italics mine)
Waiting needs to be a verb, not a passive time out where we drift not anchored to the hope of seeing an answer. Habakkuk climbed and stood watching. He had a place higher than the circumstances around him to see the movement of God. He had an expectation and anticipated that God would answer.
Waiting implies time passed. It’s not instant and not many do that patiently. I can get discouraged after a time. I can get distracted and shift my focus. Lord, help me to stay steady and watch for You.
Also, God didn’t want a game of telephone, where what was said at the beginning was nothing like what the last person heard. He wanted everyone to know exactly what He said. He will not be ambiguous. As we read His words we know His heart for us, His expectations and directions on how to live.
Dean and I planted a bunch of flowers during our lockdown. We have a bunch of green shoots but this is only the 2nd to get flowers. It can be discouraging and baffling why the others aren’t blooming. What a great lesson to not compare our blooming to others. We also don’t see the struggle or the growth that is happening under the dirt. I think if there’s green, there’s hope! ;)
Before the lock-down and the craziness of last year, Dean and I started to really practice Sabbath. To make an intentional day, usually Friday or Saturday, where we do things that bring rest, refreshing and connection. We have not always been great at it and sometimes our schedule doesn’t allow a full day or at all, but we try.
Being new at something or an amateur means you will make mistakes as you learn. It is unreasonable to think that you are supposed to be great at something the minute you start it. We need to change our expectations and allow grace!!! We don’t need that kind of pressure in our lives!
Sabbath started with God. After He created everything He rested. (Genesis 2:2&3) He set it apart and made it holy = consecrated it. Exodus 20:8 “Remember to observe the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.”
God had to remind Israel about the Sabbath. They had been slaves and didn’t have a choice if they worked or not. Sabbath wasn’t a normal part of their lives. They had to change their mindset and actions from captivity to freedom. They didn’t need to perform on demand, but they needed to learn how to live in a rhythm of work and rest. With their freedom came rest! They were being reminded to keep it set apart, holy from what the rest of their days looked like.
Sabbath needs to be prepared for. Exodus 16:22-26 ~ they had to gather double the amount of food on the 6th day, the day before their rest. Dean and I work to get all the house, yard and errands done, unless it is a part of Sabbath. Dean likes to get out in the yard, so for him it can be a refreshing time. We like to hit some stores and hang out, so being together and doing errands can be a time of connecting.
When we truly trust in God, we can rest knowing He’s got it under control.
So this week I want to encourage you if your waiting, stand on your watchtower with expectation. If you are running on low, maybe start adding a Sabbath time to your week.
God is faithful to meet us where we are and fill us with His love, His hope and HIs purpose. May you be blessed by our Living, Loving God today!!!
Have a great and amazing day!
All my love ~
Jodi xoxo
P.S. Dean is having a birthday next week and we are getting away for a few days to do all the above. Will you pray for us that we will be refreshed, refueled and re-connected? To fully embrace our time, I will not be writing a blog next week. Thank you for understanding and I’ll see you in two weeks. Love and hugs xo
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