One of the street kids that stole my heart. On the other side of that horrible trip, there was life and seeing God move. The trip back was worse, but I survived…you will too.
There is something about a good thunder storm I love. I love to watch the sky and hear the rain. I don’t however, like a storm on the water. Well, I found out that I don’t do well on the water, period. I was in Youth With A Mission and we were taking a “tug boat” over to the Dominican Republic. I knew after that trip I was called to stay on the land. When a storm hit, it wasn’t just me getting sick, experienced sailors were also. So gross.
Isn’t it comforting to know that Jesus is not freaked out or frantic by storms?! One He slept through, then He walked on water in another one.
There are times when I am completely like the disciples, running to the back of the boat and waking up Jesus wondering how He could be peaceful and sleep?
”Don’t You see the world is on fire?”
”Don’t You care what they just did or said to me?”
”Did You hear what the doctor said?”
”I’ve followed and served You, why is this happening?”
You can find the story of Jesus walking on water in Matthew 14:22-33. There is a few things that stick out to me:
Jesus sent them across the lake sometime before evening, while He went to pray: “when evening came He was there alone.” He saw that they were struggling in the waves. Sometimes God will send us INTO a storm.
He didn’t go to them until the “fourth watch” which is about 3-6 am. Sometimes God will let us struggle through something, so we know we can not do it on our own.
“Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake.” Jesus walks where we struggle. Come on, God!
“Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Jesus speaks to our fear first and doesn’t think less of us.
Peter gets out of the boat and starts to walk towards Jesus, until he takes his eyes off Jesus and focuses on the storm. Then he sinks. Jesus reaches out His hand and rescues Peter. They get back in the boat and the storm dies down.
The other disciples who sat in the boat saw the faithfulness of Jesus to Peter and how He helped him. They were amazed.
Dean took this picture of the Sea of Galilee, where Jesus walked on the water. Can you just picture the struggling boat, the exhausted disciples and Jesus coming to them? It may feel like it, but we are not alone in the storm. You are seen and loved!
BUT!!!! Peter had the experience of knowing that Jesus was there for him in the middle of the storm. Jesus’ hand was firm and steady pulling him up.
Other people watching us go through the hard things in life will see the faithfulness of God, His strength and our belief in Him. BUT, when we reach out and believe Him, we get to know Him in a new and personal way. We get to know His heart for us and how He never leaves us, even when we are struggling.
There is an authority we gain after we walk through a storm. We then have a road map to speak life and hope to others going through their storms.
And each storm we go through, will give us more belief, more faith, more assurance knowing He is there…walking where we stumble.
I am thankful for that! I am thankful that I am not alone and it’s not up to me and my strength to get through each day and the storms that pop up.
Dean is going to pray for us. Keep scrolling…
I hope you have an amazing day and if you are in a storm ~ reach out to Jesus, He is there!
Happy Thanksgiving!
All Our Love ~
Dean and Jodi xoxo
I will not be writing a blog next week. Our son is getting married and it’s Thanksgiving. Have a great couple of weeks and I’ll see you in December! (Wow! That’s weird to say.)
Also, if you haven’t yet, please subscribe below. We would love to connect to you through our email. xo
Dear Heavenly Father,
We are thankful for our friends and family that reflect Your love to us.
We are thankful for your provision that reveals your care for us.
We are thankful for the multiplied blessings that you give to us, that we often take for granted.
We are thankful for your presence in our lives that refreshes us daily.
We are thankful for heartache, because it helps us realize Your commitment to us.
We are thankful for the shadow of death, because it helps us to know Your comfort.
We are thankful for betrayal of a friend, because it helps us to know that You will never leave us.
We are thankful for sickness, because it helps us experience reliance on You.
We are thankful for stress, because it helps us know the importance of spending time with You.
We are thankful for storms, because it helps us to appreciate the beauty of the sun.
We are thankful for the valleys, because it helps us to be refreshed on the mountain tops.
We are thankful for the unknown, because it helps us cling to You and grow in our faith.
We are thankful for loss, because it makes us realize You are our greatest gain.
We are thankful for questions, because they direct us to find answers.
We are thankful for suffering, because it reminds us of how You suffered for our freedom.
We are thankful for brokenness, because through it we experience Your wholeness.
We are thankful for rejection, because it teaches us Your acceptance.
We are thankful for hardships, because they remind us that this world is not our home.
We are thankful for hard things, because we experience your strength in us.
We are thankful for anguish, because we experience your grace.
We are thankful for fear, because it helps us to experience victory.
We are thankful for our hurts, habits and hang-ups, because they help us to experience Your freedom.
We are thankful for crushed dreams, because through them we discover our purpose.
We are thankful for failure, because it teaches us that though we have experienced failure that WE are not failures.
We are thankful for our insecurities, because they show us that our security is only found in You.
We are thankful for being overlooked, because it helps us to experience being seen by You.
We are thankful for knowing You, because relationship with You is what we were created for.
We are thankful for the promise of heaven with You, because it gives us hope while on earth.
We are thankful for the breath of life, because we can live, look and love like You.
So, thank You Heavenly Father for being Who You are and for loving us like You do. For that we are eternally thankful. Amen!