Two Random Thoughts

Happy almost March! Hard to believe it's already March.

I have been having 2 random thoughts going through my mind lately. As most of you know, I am a stay-at-home-full-time Gramma. I love my little kiddos, but sometimes a girl needs to be creative to keep them occupied and happy. One day I found some old balloons, blew them up and badda-bing instant happy. I was watching Jayme play and laugh when I saw Ziva, our Yorkie, was shaking. She doesn't like those things. Then I thought of my daughter Jessi ( Jaydon and Jayme's mom) and how she is allergic to latex.

So we have this balloon floating around my house bringing complete joy to a little girl, utter fear to a dog, and if touched, an allergic reaction to my daughter. One thing...three reactions. That got me thinking about the things in our lives. Some things bring joy and life to those around us. Some of our things can make people unsettled, unsure or even fearful. Lastly, some of the stuff we carry around is toxic and brings harm to the people in our lives.

The thing is each of us have all three in our lives. The question I've been asking is...are my actions, words, belief etc. bringing life and joy or are they toxic and in the least bring fear or the worst, death, to those around me? God calls us to be an extension of Himself, His love, His grace.

The second random thing I've been thinking about is Easter. I know it's a little early, but have you been to the store recently? Good grief! Jesus was born so He could die. His blood covered my sin so I can stand before God unashamed. I was thinking what an incredible thing that was and I remembered in Genesis after Adam and Eve sinned God killed an animal and covered them. Blood was shed. What a shock that must have been to all creation. I never gave much thought to how the animals survived. I guess I had a kind of kumbaya picture of the Garden of Eden, but a lion is a lion and needs to eat, right? I don't know how that worked..another question to ask God!

But for a second, follow me and picture the Garden. God is walking with Adam and Eve. There is peace, except maybe at dinner. Then Adam sins. Maybe the air changes, like when a storm is coming. The animals hid..Adam and Eve sure do. God calls them, they have the conversation and then God takes an animal as the first sacrifice to cover man's sin. Up to this point there was no reason for them to fear God or Adam. I mean Adam named them. Can you imagine the shock and chaos that rippled through the garden? The fear that suddenly changed the relationship between all of them. There is a scripture that says that creation groans for the return of Jesus, maybe they miss that peace of the garden as much as we humans do.

Again, I'm struck with the effects that my actions, my words, my unchecked sin, my love, my acceptance, my joy, my obedience can have on the people and the world around me. So, as I write this out, maybe my initial two thoughts weren't so random. Well played, God, well played. I get the message. Let's take the time to think before we act or say something and make sure it's going to bring life to those in our path today. Maybe we can be the agents of peace and love in our world.

Love and Hugs!

xoxo ~ Jodi


From a Turtle to an Eagle