Leila looks thrilled. ;)
Our grand daughter, Jayla, likes a TV show called Doc McStuffins. They sing a very catchy song about check-ups and we’ve all had our check-ups complete with a diagnosis that go into the “Big Book of BooBoo’s.” She is totally adorable!
As February sped by, I have been having some “check-ups” in what I’m reading. I’d thought I’d share them with you so we can all walk through this together.
In his book: “The Art of Disciplines” Dallas Willard says: “We can become like Christ by doing one thing, by following him in the overall style of life he chose for himself. If we have faith in Christ, we must believe that he knew how to live. We can, through faith and grace, become like Christ by practicing the types of activities he engaged in.”
So, the question to answer is: what activities did Jesus engage in? How did He live His life? Here are a few I thought of to do a check-up with:
* Jesus spent time with God.
“After he dismissed them, he went up to the mountainside by Himself to pray.” Matthew 14:23a
He made it a priority and was very intentional to be with His Father. Time and time again Matthew, Mark, Luke and John tell us that Jesus went away from the crowds to spend time with God. Because of having that time, He was able to stay connected to His Father; He had the strength and power to meet the needs of the people; He was able to stay on mission, even with so much distraction and opposition coming at Him; He was always pointing people to God and His Kingdom.
~ Where are you at with that practice in your life? Are you needing to rearrange some activities so you are able to have more intentional time with your Father?
* Jesus rested.
”Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said the them, ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’” Mark 6:31
Jesus knew the importance of rest. He was there during creation and when God rested on the 7th day creating Sabbath. Resting or observing Sabbath can be a struggle if we feel the weight of responsibility to keep all the plates spinning. It can be hard to trust that God will redeem your time and give you what you need to get it all done if you stop to rest. Which is more about being refreshed and refueled rather than collapsing on the couch and becoming comatose while Netflix-ing it out.
~ How are you at observing or practicing Sabbath? What could you do to fill your soul and bring peace to your mind this week? What sounds fun? Relaxing?
* Jesus lived in community.
”Jesus went up the mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve - designating them to be apostles - that they might be with him …” Mark 3:13-14a
Jesus invited the twelve and now invites us to hang out with Him and learn how to live like Him. There were times of instruction, correction, celebration, working together, resting together, and going through storms together. It can be hard to trust others, but Jesus had it and we need it.
~ Does someone know where you buried the bones? Who you can be honest and vulnerable with? Do you have people, could be two - could be 50, that will be there for you?
* Jesus served.
”Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness.” Matthew 9:35
Jesus met both the spiritual and physical needs of those around him. Our season of serving may be taking care of our family. It may be working outside the home and serving those we work with. It may be going to the streets and clothing and feeding the homeless. It may be serving the frazzled mom in church and getting her kids settled in class so she can be refreshed by worship and a message. I think it matters more that we are serving, that we are cognizant of where we are in life and being faithful in that. Let’s not get caught up with comparing how we are serving with someone else.
~ How are doing with that rhythm/practice in your life? Do you feel a tug to step out and serve somewhere? Maybe you are doing all the right things, but your heart is resentful or hurt or bitter. What needs to happen to change that?
One last thought.
In his book: “Practicing the Way” John Mark Comer writes: “My thesis is simple: Transformation is possible if we are willing to arrange our lives around the practices, rhythms, and truths that Jesus himself did, which will open our lives to God’s power to change. Said another way, we can be transformed if we are willing to apprentice ourselves to Jesus. Then - and only then - can we become the people we ache to be and live the lives we were destined for.”
I invite you to sit with me with these thoughts, they can be life changing! If that sounds like something you want to be a part of, please join me in this prayer: “Holy Spirit, I invite You into my life to show me areas that I’m not following the practices or rhythms of Jesus. Give me wisdom in how to rearrange the things in life so that I can be purposeful, intentional in my choices. Abba, I want my life to make You known and bring You glory. In the mighty, mountain-moving, life-changing name of Jesus. Amen!”
Have the most amazing day, child of El Roi - the God who sees you - you are not alone!
All My Love ~
Jodi xo
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