Why is it easier for us to believe unhealthy things about ourselves? Growing up, and as an adult, I would look in the mirror after getting ready and shrug my shoulders and say: “Well, it’s as good as it’s going to get.” How many times do we fuss and fret over what we are wearing, how our hair came out and if that lipstick is a good color or not?
The last few years have been frustrating and overwhelming as my body has changed and gone up and down in weight because of my meds, changing meds, the diseases themselves, menopause and let’s not forget that I actually like food. It brings me joy. ;)
When I ride my recumbent bike, I like to listen to sermons or podcasts. One time I heard Levi Lusko share on the word “GOOD”. It has stayed with me and I couldn’t shake it, so I took a little trip in Bible Hub to research more.
Last week I shared about how God is good. The word that describes God as good in Psalm 34:8 is the same word used in Genesis when God saw what He created and said that it was good.
“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in HIm.” Psalm 34:8
Talk about ‘good’ things! Look at these guys!! (all the heart eyes)
“God saw all that He had made, and it was very good. And there was evening and morning - the sixth day.” Genesis 1:31
Good = pleasant, agreeable, beautiful, best, better, favor, precious, excellent.
We know God loves the process of walking us into our healing, freedom and transformation. He deals with each layer graciously, but He does deal with them. Right now, for me, one layer is about how I view and accept my body. Basically, we don’t always have the best rapport.
I mean, I can see how God would look at the clouds and say that is great! Or at the beautiful flowers and exclaim how excellent they are. I do that too. But it’s hard to agree with God, when He looks at me as great or excellent, when I don’t feel that way. When what I see in the mirror is not what I think I should look like.
So, the question becomes: how do I align myself with what God says is true? Because if we are going to believe God for His promises or that He is always with us, we need to believe in this. Right? We can’t pick and choose based on how we feel or how we look. That’s not consistent with how we want to live our lives.
Maybe it’s being a little more gentle with how we view ourselves. Maybe it’s finding an accountability partner that will help keep us from going off the rails. Maybe it’s more about being healthy over a certain weight. We definitely need to change our self-talk.
Then I came across this ‘Good’ in 1 Timothy 4:4 “Since everything God created is good, we should not reject any of it but receive it with thanks.” Good here is: beautiful, as an outward sign of inward good, noble, honorable, character, “fruit we bear”.
The context for this verse is Paul telling Timothy to not let any false doctrine hinder God’s people. What God made is good. So, if God made me, then I am good…not just meh or alright, but excellent and great.
If we truly want to be beautiful, it’s more than how we look or if our jeans fit. It’s about what is happening on the inside. We need to be noble and honorable in our character; we need to bear fruit. Are we looking more like Jesus?
“Thank You for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous - how well I know it.”
Psalm 139:14 (NLT)
Do you know it? Do you know you are not just good, but excellent?!
Join me in accepting how God feels about us and how He sees us.
You are loved and seen by the One who created you and said: “She is good!” …which means so much more than just good.
Have an amazing day!
All My Love~
Jodi xoxo
One Last Thing: I will be joining Dean on Sabbatical and not be writing for a few weeks. I am going to do a deep dive into what God has bringing up in my life and think creatively about how to serve you better in our space. When we are always producing, we can just be maintaining. We want to create space to rest, dream and create. We appreciate your prayers. Thank you and have a great couple of weeks!! If there is anything I can pray for you about, drop me a line in the comments. Love and Hugs!
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