Top Dead Center
A little intro to this week’s Top Dead Center blog. I hope you enjoy!
Don’t you feel like we’re living a movie right now? One that we wish we could shut off and walk away from? We see the entertainment industry halted; sports paused (I miss baseball!); and the stock market is taking big hits (don’t look at your 401K right now).
What’s the bigger picture of all of this? I believe, in a word…calibration.
My dad was a whiz mechanic, among other things. I could tell him what my car was doing or sounded like and he would tell me what I needed to do.
Did you know a vehicle’s timing belt needs to be calibrated to manufactured specifications for the vehicle to run smoothly? If the calibration isn’t right, the vehicle will run rough, at best. My dad used a timing light to calibrate the belt to the precise degree of what is called “top dead center.”
As a society, I believe, our timing has been off. We have been living out-of-sync of God’s eternal purpose for us, and we’ve been running rough, at best. This pandemic is calibrating us.
We’re experiencing a calibration to what is REALLY important as we slow down enough to ask the hard questions, like:
· What happens after this life?
· How do I value my relationships versus other priorities?
· How do I prioritize my spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health?
· Why do I exist and what is my purpose?
· Am I living and leaving a legacy?
· Do I have a personal relationship with Jesus?
God didn’t send this pandemic. That’s not how He works. However, He is indeed moving in it. God doesn’t cause hurt, but He’s attracted to us in it, so He can heal and restore, by:
· Strengthening those that are battling illness.
· Comforting those that are grieving.
· Providing for those that have lost jobs or retirement.
· Giving peace to those with anxiety.
· Revealing the reality of His love, acceptance and grace.
· Prompting people to care for one another.
· Giving awareness of the fragility of life and the reality of eternity.
In what ways are you seeing yourself being calibrated during this time? I’m realizing how much this world is not my final home and how I want to make an eternal impact here. Even more so this week as we grieve the loss of our unborn grandson, Jayce Scott Garcia. We hold onto the hope of meeting in heaven!
2 Corinthians 4:16-18 says, “We never give up…these little troubles are getting us ready for an eternal glory that will make all our troubles seem like nothing. Things that are seen don’t last forever, but things that are not seen are eternal. That’s why we keep our minds on the things that cannot be seen.”
In these troubled times, let’s trust the hands of God that are calibrating our lives to be in line with the top dead center of His eternal purpose. This life is temporary. Eternity is coming and we can trust God in the process until we get there.
We love you and pray you know the strength, protection, provision, grace and peace that comes with God’s presence today and every day. Never give up!
You are loved much! ~ Dean
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