Our Story
What happens when we put a Jesus, a Samartian Woman and a well together? We have one of the most interesting stories of transformation. The well was just a prop, a background piece that brought the two main characters together. It has value to both of them because it was built by Jacob and given to his son. But these two communities did not get along. John 4:4 tells us Jesus was compelled to go. We learn that Jesus is willing to go where no one else will. He will meet us in the place where we are.
The setting takes place in the heat of the day, noon-ish. Jesus had been traveling, was tired and thirsty. He sat by the well while His posse went into town to get food. After awhile the lady of this story appears. She is alone, no other women are at the well. Maybe she is a little weary as she approaches, maybe she is a little relieved that He is a stranger and doesn’t know her story. Right away she knew He was a Jew, maybe by what He wore, His features or His accent. Whatever it was she was shocked that He asked for water.
We have the privilege of knowing where Jesus was going with the conversation when He asked for water, she did not. She found out in John 4:10-14 when Jesus offered her Living Water that it was really an invitation to know Him and have eternal life. As she is grappling with all of this, Jesus gets to the heart of why He went so far out of His way. Why He broke cultural rules and boundaries and why He reached out to one woman. He asks her to bring her husband, maybe she felt safe and accepted, but whatever the reason she takes a chance and tells Him the truth. “I have no husband.”
Now, here is where we lean in because we know the conflict, the confrontation is coming. He knows the truth. He knows she had 5 husbands and she is with someone and not married. Why? Why was He talking to her? Why wasn’t she shunned by Him? John 4:19 Is the comic relief after the big reveal; “Sir, the woman said, I can see that You are a prophet.” DUH! We all do that nervous chuckle, we know who Jesus is and maybe we are a little relieved He is not reading our mail.
Is it wonderful that we get to wake up each morning and have a new chance to make our story and voice count!
John 4:21-24 Jesus gives a call for those who follow Him to worship in spirit and truth. He reveals to her that He is the Messiah. (John 4:26)
The fact that she was living with a guy, not married, in that culture can lend itself to speculation of all the reasons why. Was it necessity, desperation or maybe she didn’t know that she was a child of the Living, Loving God and deserved to be loved. Maybe her choices or the choices of others led her to where she found herself.
We all know that life can twist and turn on us. It can lead us to places we never thought we would be. BUT then Jesus! Jesus goes out of His way to meet us, reveal who He is and invite us to a personal, intimate relationship with Him.
There must have been something so powerful in that moment of looking into His eyes and seeing the truth: of who she was and then the life, joy and wholeness He offered. She just left her pitcher and ran into town and told everyone about Jesus.
Our story closes with Jesus staying two days in that village. Many believed in Him. But maybe the real miracle of the story is that in John 4:42; “They said to the woman, now we believe, not because of what you told us, but because we have heard him ourselves. Now we know that he is indeed the Savior of the world.” (NLT)
A true encounter with Jesus is marked by change. Even if her circumstances didn’t change, she did and she changed her town.
No one can take our story from us. When we share our story we can the change the world.
Your voice matters. Your story needs to be shared. Tell your story.
Have an amazing day!
All My Love,
Jodi xoxo
“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
~ Mother Teresa