I love this space where we can share our love for God and His Word as well as our struggles. Where we can learn together what He is saying and encourage each other in that. I hope I am able to impart hope to you by my stories and life. So, welcome! Grab your favorite nosh and drink and let’s talk. xo

Jodi Cross Jodi Cross

Avalanche & Air Pockets

I was sitting on the couch one night and I thought of what to do in an avalanche. Weird? I know, but whatever, I just roll with it. If you’re ever buried in snow, do you know the first thing you need to do is make an air pocket? As big as you can.

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Jodi Cross Jodi Cross

Rhythms of Grace

Happy Valentine’s Day! Dean and I ran away last weekend to Lake Tahoe!! I was so overwhelmed with the majesty and beauty, it didn’t matter where you looked, it was breathtaking.

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Jodi Cross Jodi Cross

Valentine’s and No Money

Since it’s the month of love, that got me thinking about relationships and what love looks like. When Dean and I were first married we would go to a store and pick out Valentine cards, and just read them to each other (we were young missionaries and had no money).

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Jodi Cross Jodi Cross

The Cave

Happy New Year! Can you believe that the first month is already over? This is my first blog this year because we have been working on getting the new, amazing and totally scary-putting-myself-out-there website up. I hope you like it.

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Jodi Cross Jodi Cross

The Impact of Christmas

Merry Christmas!! Thank you for the gift of being a part of my life and allowing me to share my heart and thoughts with you. I have been thinking about the impact of what Christmas means to me. I have been brought back to a very simple truth.

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Jodi Cross Jodi Cross

Molasses & Hills

Happy November! Let me be the first one to Happy Thanksgiving! I am very grateful for my family, the hard things that allow me to appreciate the beautiful and simple things and for you guys...thank you for being here.

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Jodi Cross Jodi Cross

Who Loves a Party?

It's October and officially fall, which in Texas means absolutely nothing. We just have pumpkins wilting in the humidity. I have always loved Fall.

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Jodi Cross Jodi Cross

The Road Between Faith and Reality

You know how some things just keep coming up? There has been a topic of conversation this summer having to do with Christian leaders who, during a crisis of life/faith are turning away from God.

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Jodi Cross Jodi Cross

The Lesson I Learned from Waze

Hey you guys! I hope you are surviving your summer. We are melting here in Texas. I would like to hug the guy that invented air conditioners.

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Jodi Cross Jodi Cross

Freedom Take 2

It's Friday morning and I am frustrated. I sat most of the day on Wednesday and wrote my blog, Freedom.

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Jodi Cross Jodi Cross

Toe Pick

Happy June my fellow Impactors!! It's a rainy day here in Pearland. It's also the first full day I am home alone not Granny-Nannying the kiddos full time.

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Jodi Cross Jodi Cross

From a Turtle to an Eagle

It's April. I have a love-hate relationship with April. My mom passed away in the beginning of the month and my birthday is the end of the month.

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