I love this space where we can share our love for God and His Word as well as our struggles. Where we can learn together what He is saying and encourage each other in that. I hope I am able to impart hope to you by my stories and life. So, welcome! Grab your favorite nosh and drink and let’s talk. xo
Blessed! Part 8
When Jesus lived here on earth, His life was a light into the world’s darkness.
We Needed Jesus.
I think about the Shepherds in the middle of the night. Darkness and quiet surrounding them when the night was lit with the light of heaven and angels singing.
Blessed! Part 7
But first, as always, we need to check our own heart and life. We cannot share what we do not have. We need to have peace in our soul, while actively promoting peace in others and in situations.
Blessed! Part 6
God gives us a cheat code so that we can see Him. So we can experience and know His love, His goodness, His faithfulness.
Blessed! Part 5
Jesus needed to teach the revolutionary concept of mercy in a time when sympathy was killed by the thought that suffering was a penalty of sin,
Blessed! Part 4
We will continually be just full enough, all we need is a little snack. We are not starving.
Blessed! Part 3
There’s nothing like see the majesty and magnificence of God to keep us honest about who we are and who we are not.
Blessed! Part 2
I love this picture because it’s a calling to, an invitation to be consoled and encouraged. We are allowed to come to God with our grief, disappointment, anger. All of it.
He Sits With Us
The health and condition of our relationship with Jesus determines the health and condition of our life.
Hard Things
The gift of the hard things in our lives is that we get to see God in a new way. We get a clearer, sharper image through the lens of suffering that helps us focus on something we haven’t noticed before.
The Ultimate Name Drop
Maybe, like them, we get caught up with life and all that is happening, we miss the miraculous walking beside us.
A Story and A Thought
It’s not about not having grief or heartache, it’s just a part of life here on Earth, it’s about the hope - the promise
God, in His timing and with all the love He has for us, will bring streams in our desert and restore what was lost!